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Game Name : Sims Bustin' Out, The
System : Game Cube
Date Added : 2004-09-14 16:03:58
Views : 17683

Various Codes
Pause the game in bustin out mode *Note you have to be at home*

All objects unlocked - Enable the [Gnome Cheat] code. Then, pause time, then Press Down, Z, Up, Up, R.

All visit locations unlocked - Enable the [Gnome Cheat] code. Pause time, then Press Left, Z, R, L, Z.

[Gnome Cheat] - Pause time, then Press Down, L, Z, R, Left, Right. A gnome should appear near the house that your Sim is at. Select it for 10,000 Simoleons.

Boosting a low budget - At Mom's house, Mimi's place, or Dudley's trailer, buy things until your budget drops below $100. Wait about an hour. When the phone rings, answer it. You will get free money. Repeat this as necessary.

Dead plants - When a plant is dead, do not throw it away. You can sell the dead plant for as much as a new plant costs.

Easy money - When you go to a house and do not have much money, trade in all the wallpaper and buy the cheap version. You can get a good amount of money. You can do the same thing with the tile.

Fishin' For Profit book - To get the Fishin' For Profit book go to Nikki Nack's store (open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.). After you buy it, find O'Phil Mclean. Give it to him and he will give you a job. Note - You must get the goals from him first. To do this, talk to Salty. Later in the game, you will be offered by Nikki Nack to buy the Waterfront Villa for 3,000 Simoleons.

Get a bigger room - When at Dudley's trailer, go to the master bedroom. Then, sell the door that leads to the smaller room so that there is just a wall. Next, make a door at the top right corner so that there is a place you could walk into the smaller room. Then, decorate both rooms' wallpaper and carpet to be the same and you will have a bigger room.

Jock career - To successfully complete the Jock career, you need to have all Body points, 4 Cooking points, and 5 Charisma points. You will also need six friends. A quick way to complete this is go to Mom's house and buy something to work your body (for example, a treadmill, pool, a bookshelf or something similar to the gourmet cooking stove; and something for your charisma (for example, a microphone or a mirror). Do that, then build your skills and move to the different houses so you can complete a goal and unlock something. You will eventually get to Malcolm's mansion.

Never work - In Bustin' Out mode, the people who you live with cannot get fired. If you want them to stay home, just let them. This can be very useful if you need them to clean up, or need them to do some other things.

Raising a baby - When you have a baby, do not play with it ever, as it does nothing. If you feed it then sing, it will stop crying for a couple of hours.

Raise motives - To help raise motives in later levels, move back to Mom's house. The Artificial Love will make raising motives easier.

Raising skills - While living with Mom, do not run out and get a job after you have completed the first few goals. Instead, stay around awhile and use that time to build skills. Mom will nag you, but just select "Okay" and keep doing everything else. Make sure to keep yourself happy and entertain/talk/joke with Mom to keep your relationship up to par. When you have your skills where you want them, move out. This will make things much easier. You will then be able to concentrate on your job and relationships, rather than skill building.

Skipping work - In Bustin' Out mode, you can skip work by moving back into Mom's house. While you live with Mom, the bus will not arrive, and you do not have to work. This is useful if things are not going so well and you need some time to "restore" your Sim.

Throw an art opening - When you move to Studio 8, one of the goals is to throw an art opening. In order for the art opening to be successful, you have to purchase a Sculpting Block and sculpt it first. Then, have the party and it will be successful. However, before you can purchase the Sculpting Block, you must complete the goal that will give you access to it.

While living with Mom, do not run out and get a job after you have completed the first few goals. Instead, stay around awhile and use that time to build skills. Mom will nag you, but just select 'Okay' and keep doing everything else. Make sure to keep yourself happy and entertain/talk/joke with Mom to keep your relationship up to par. When you have your skills where you want them, move out. This will make things much easier. You will then be able to concentrate on your job and relationships, rather than skill building.

Mindless Fun
If one of your Sims is in a bad mood and you want to quickly get his or her mood back into the good zone without constantly overseeing it, make a small room with windows and a door into the house (this door is to be torn down later). Then add a microwave, counter, fridge, a three seater sofa (so the Sim can sleep on it), a TV, lights, a toilet, a table, chairs and anything else if you want to. This will supply everything your sim will need. Get the Sim to enter the room and go remove the door. Make the Sim test everything out and it will not go out the room (while its happiness increases). Connect the room back to the main house when the Sim has gotten more happier.

Raising Skills
While living with Mom, do not run out and get a job after you have completed the first few goals. Instead, stay around awhile and use that time to build skills. Mom will nag you, but just select 'Okay' and keep doing everything else. Make sure to keep yourself happy and entertain/talk/joke with Mom to keep your relationship up to par. When you have your skills where you want them, move out. This will make things much easier. You will then be able to concentrate on your job and relationships, rather than skill building.

Fishin' For Profit Book
To get the Fishin' For Profit book go to Nikki Nack's store (open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.). After you buy it, find O'Phil Mclean. Give it to him and he will give you a job. You must get the goals from him first. To do this, talk to Salty. Later in the game, you will be offered by Nikki Nack to buy the Waterfront Villa for 3,000 Simoleons.

Raise Motives
To help raise motives in later levels, move back to Mom's house. The Artificial Love will make raising motives easier.

Dead Plants
When a plant is dead, do not throw it away. You can sell the dead plant for as much as a new plant costs.

Skipping Work
In Bustin' Out mode, you can skip work by moving back into Mom's house. While you live with Mom, the bus will not arrive, and you do not have to work. This is useful if things are not going so well and you need some time to 'restore' your Sim.

Easy Money
When you go to a house and do not have much money, trade in all the wallpaper and buy the cheap version.
You can get a good amount of money. You can do the same thing with the tile.

Never Work
In Bustin' Out mode, the people who you live with (who you can control) cannot get fired. If you want them to stay home, just let them. This can be very useful if you need them to clean up, or need them to do some other things.

Boosting A Low Budget
At Mom's house, Mimi's place, or Dudley's trailer, buy things until your budget drops below $100. Wait about an hour. When the phone rings, answer it. You will get free money. Repeat this as necessary.

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